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Noritz Podcast


The official Noritz Tankless Water Heaters podcast. Talking Tankless is a podcast where you can learn more about Noritz across all aspects of our brand. We will do a deep dive on our products as well as present interviews with a variety of interesting guests, to provide a little more insight into who we are, what we do, and what Noritz is all about.

Episode 11 Show Notes

SoCal Gas Hydrogen House : https://www.socalgas.com/sustainability/h2home


Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 10 Show Notes

Retrofit Rewards : www.noritz.com/retrofitrewards

Steady BTU (SBTU) : https://www.facebook.com/NoritzAmerica/videos/noritz-sbtu-mode/1062055104497514/

EZ Series Press Release : https://noritz.greenhousedigitalpr.com/ez-series/

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 9 Show Notes

Energy Star new requirements : link

Noritz blog post on energy star changes : link

Natural gas ban overturned news article : link

Hybrid Hot Information : link

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 8 Show Notes

Sign up for PROCard : link

Inquire about PROCard+ : link

Contact PROCard+ admin : link

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 7 Show Notes

Installation Checklist from the manual : link

Estimator Cheat Sheet : link

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 6 Show Notes

More on AHR Expo : link

Booth Walkthrough with James Facer : link

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 5 Show Notes

Commercial Install at Correctional Facility


Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 4 Show Notes

Noritz Support Website : Link

PROCard App : Android and iOS

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 3 Show Notes

EZ Series (top mounted) tankless : Link

Push button kit product announcement : Link

PVC Universal Concentric Vent Kit : Link

2021 Isolation Valve Update : Link 

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 2 Show Notes

Noritz Commercial Page : Link

Noritz Commercial Sizing Calculator : Link

Noritz Commercial Rack : Link

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Episode 1 Show Notes

Tech Tips Page : www.noritz.com/techtips

Socials : YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

Adjusting NRCR AutoLearn Sensitivity : Video

Read More : 10 Things you didn’t know about the NRCR